There are many ways to improve Feng Shui in the home, from decluttering to maintaining a clean kitchen. But decluttering can also have psychological benefits, so here are some tips. First, keep the kitchen clean and in a commanding position. Second, use mirrors and a compass. Finally, keep a compass on your desk. You'll be glad you did once you begin implementing these simple tips.
Keeping a clean kitchen
The first feng shui principle is to keep only what you use. This applies especially to the kitchen, as broken items or empty boxes are bad luck. The opposite effect occurs if you hoard them and create clutter. On the other hand, keeping new working utensils is good Feng Shui. Keeping a clean refrigerator and pantry is also good Feng shui. Fresh foods create good energy.
As you can see, the kitchen is a key room in the home, as it is the center of feng shui. It should be clean and well-organized, because the feng shui energy that you're surrounded by there will influence your health and happiness. A dirty kitchen will affect your health as well, and it won't allow you to cook properly. Poor nutrition will affect your ability to work and earn money.
Keeping a commanding position
The Command Position, also known as an armchair, is an important feng shui concept. It allows you to rest in a powerful position, allowing chi to do its work. In a feng shui home, you can identify the Command Position by the placement of sofas and beds. You can also place feng shui objects, such as gods of wealth and a wealth vase, in a commanding position.
The commanding position is important because it governs how your life is placed. It should be the space in which you sit, where you work, or where you keep important objects. For example, your desk or bed should be placed in a position where you can see your door from all sides. Ideally, you should place your desk or bed as far away from the door as possible.
Adding mirrors
Adding mirrors to your home has many benefits. For starters, they add light. Additionally, mirrors are practical, allowing you to see yourself in front of a mirror. This is good for both practical purposes and a touch of luxury. Mirrors facing the door, however, should be avoided, as this is bad feng shui. Here are some tips to help you put up mirrors strategically around your home.
The best place to place a mirror is in the dining room, as it is the most suitable location for attracting wealth. However, don't place mirrors in the living room or bedroom as they will only cause a clash of energies. You also don't want to place a mirror on the ceiling, as it will reflect back a distorted image. If you're unsure of where to place a mirror in your home, it's best to consult a Feng Shui expert.
Keeping a compass
A compass is a simple piece of equipment with a free-turning needle that points north. Its housing is a ring marked with numbers and directions. Depending on the model, it will also show south, east, and west, along with an orienting arrow that points the way. If you're curious about the compass's properties, it can be purchased at most sporting goods stores.
The compass is useful for determining the directions of four walls in a room. The readings on a compass can also tell you where to face your desk or television. Some feng shui practitioners use special formulas to determine which element works best in a certain room. Another popular type of compass is the luo pan, which is an ancient Chinese compass that identifies the bagua of a home.
Identifying challenges in feng shui
Identifying challenges in feng shiu in the home begins with noticing the pitfalls in the rooms you frequent most. For example, a leaky faucet is symbolic of your happiness dripping away, while a burned light bulb indicates poor health and poor finances. Make sure that doors and windows open and close easily, and replace broken or damaged furniture immediately. In addition, doors must lock securely and have plenty of light.
Ensure that your front door has a commanding position, and close the back door to contain the energy of your home. The entryway should be filled with natural light and have plenty of artwork and plant life. If your front door opens outward, it pushes chi away and sabotages the flow of energy through the home. If your front door is open, consider placing mats on both sides of the door.